Here you will find interesting facts about camellias from G - L
G for Giessen
It may be hard to believe, but the most common mistakes happen when watering. Camellias thrive best in an evenly moist substrate. So it shouldn't be too wet and not too dry either. You can achieve this by watering regularly. Just don't do too much at once, less is more here. If possible, use rainwater or soft, low-lime water for watering. Depending on the weather conditions, you may water several times a week, on hot summer days perhaps even daily or in the morning and evening. Then camellias also enjoy a refreshing shower with a spray bottle or hose, as this also increases the humidity.
When it comes to camellias that are planted in pots, you need to be careful because watering them too vigorously can cause waterlogging, which leads to irreparable root damage. That's why you shouldn't use a saucer, but rather place the pot on small feet. As soon as the surface of the soil appears to be dry, pour enough water so that the entire root ball is well moistened.
If camellias are planted out in the garden and well mulched, waterlogging rarely occurs; you should only remember to water them in winter during longer dry periods, even if the water requirements of the camellias, which are then in the resting phase, are lower.
It is particularly important to water regularly during the growth phase, which lasts from the beginning of new growth until the summer. The new buds are also formed during this time. Now the plants must not dry out, as this can lead to the loss of flowers in the coming year.
If it happens that the root ball has dried out, controlled diving can help.
More in a moment.